It was almost midnight. The children sitting around the beautifully set Seder
table kept glancing excitedly at the clock. The minute hand finally reached
twelve. The children's enthusiasm bubbled over. It was time for the Afikoman.
I expected the usual wish list - Play Stations, roller blades, stereos. Wistfully,
I hoped someone would even ask for a set of Chumashim. But the ten-year-old
haltingly asked in a heavily accented English, "Can I please have some
matzoh for the rest of Pesach?"
An unusual request such as this is not at all unusual at L'man Achai's
Sedorim. L'man Achai, founded to help Russian Jews return to Yiddishkeit, has
held Public Pesach Sedorim for ten consecutive years in various locations in
Flatbush, Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst. In addition, many private Sedorim
are held to provide for the needs of our Russian brothers. These are people who
are filled with a yearning, which is awakened during Pesach - the yearning of the
"Pintele Yid" to be part of Am Yisroel. And we, L'man Achai, seek to fan and
unite these sparks into a blazing fire.
Besides the Pesach Sedorim, L'man Achai organizes special events for all
the Yom Tovim to ensure a full, all-around program for our Russian brethren.
L'man Achai has become a household name by providing after school programs,
shabbatones, yeshiva schooling and summer camps to ensure the Jewish
continuity of our people. In order to continue with our numerous outreach
activities, we are depending on your loyal support. Won't you please help us
to be Mekarev our Russian brothers? In this Z'chus may we merit the ultimate
Redemption speedily in our times.